
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Time off...

Amazing what time off will do to you. I really APPRECIATE my time with Lola these days, because it is few and far between, but without goals, it is hard to stay committed.

First off, I'm pregnant and due in May!!! HURRAY! It has been long awaited, and much rejoiced, but BOY does it change your life!

So seeing as I work full time, work three personal businesses that I hope to create full time income with, AND I'm pretty much ready for bed by 9:30pm, there is not much time in my life. Add to this that my first winter in Ohio happens to be one of the most "wintery" in a long time doesn't help.

So I'm sitting here on the sofa, with dog and blanket, watching the beautiful snow fall out my sliding glass door, and wondering why I would ever leave this spot? I have plenty to do here in the house. Between the French lessons that need to be prepared, children's book events/parties to schedule, and packing for a trip next weekend, I have plenty of justification to stay home.

Normally January is my horse planning month. I'm anxiously awaiting everyone to list their events, clinics, schooling series, etc so that I can plan my spring training, summer competition schedule (cheap and low-key), and my fall "prove that I made progress" event. This year I have no foreseeable goals, no events on the calendar, nothing but a vague idea that I might catch a dressage schooling show at the end of the season if I'm really good about getting back into shape. This just doesn't feel right.

So I am trying to come up with different goals.

-I will still lunge Lola regularly through my pregnancy to keep her fit and happy
-I will do my best to FULLY desensitize her to clipping instead of having to coerce her into letting me de-fuzz her ears
-I will spend lots of extra time grooming so that she shiny!
-I will maintain her tail so that everyone is jealous of it while she stands around eating (as apposed to only fluffing tail for shows)
-I will make the most of this, because it is only one year, and I can learn a ton from focusing on the "other stuff" when I'm not distracted by riding being my main focus for the time I have with her

Alright, now to venture out into the snow...