
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back at it again!

I'm BACK! And boy is it nice to be back into the horsey routine!

After two crazy weeks before the wedding, and a week long honeymoon I was expecting the worst from my oh-so neglected mare! I found her with burrs in her forlock and a bit of thrush in her feet, and chipping hooves. Otherwise she's happy and healthy thanks to the diligence of my dad. I'm sure he never imagined he'd be running a boarding facility for his daughter's horses, let alone follow the insane feed schedule that I've created to meet the needs of three very different horses! He's been a champ helping me out while I got through the busy wedding time. It has worked out marvelously to have Lola in a HUGE paddock, despite the exposed rocks that are killing her previously perfect barefoot hooves. Plus Bear gets to be out in pasture most of the day and spend his nights in her paddock with her. They are such a funny little pair, just like a married couple, I hate that I'll eventually have to split them up again!

So we're back up and running. I had a phenomenal dressage lesson on Tuesday night, best trot yet! Lola is getting front shoes today. If she's staying in this pen even another week, she needs to get some shoes on. I hope that will go well... she's never had shoes on in her life!

Can't wait to get the two out on the trails this weekend!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Recent videos!

Been swamped with wedding planning... just days to go! This means I've had ZERO time to update my blog. Sad really, because I've still made riding a priority, and I wish I could be blogging to record our adventures! We've been making so many good memories...

We've been cross country schooling a few times, jumping lessons and dressage lessons are the best I ever had on any horse, and we even spent a weekend horse camping! So much fun.

Sadly my camera died before I got the x-country schooling, but I'll just post a few videos from lessons to remind myself of the fabulous horse I have waiting for me when I get back from the honeymoon!